Today, my husband and I visited our favorite Oregon orchard, Mt. Hood Organic Farms ( . It is located just outside Hood River, Oregon. We are usually there on a weekend when it is crowded but today we had the place to ourselves.
No this isn't Switzerland, it's Oregon - with some haze from nearby wildfires almost obsuring Mt. Hood. This is the scene that greets us as we arrive at the orchard's main courtyard.
Love the crafted architectural style the owners are creating to exist alongside the original houses and buildings . . .
This is a small, quality orchard. The fruit ripens on the trees until the last minute. It means the fruit doesn't store as long for large grocer consumers but tastes better than fruit picked too early. Can you see the Canal Red pears on these trees?
While the owners have 200 acres only 40 are planted in pear and apple trees. Owner John has decided to keep his orchards small and high quality. Here are some Oregon Gala apples which will be picked in the next few days before the fall rains start this weekend.
We selected some of these Honey Crisp apples . . .
And some of these Bosc pears . . .
We enjoyed the open foyer for selecting our apples and pears . . .
Mt. Hood Organic Farms hosts a lot of weddings. Here is a recent menu for one of them . . .
Wouldn't you love to go to a wedding here, or maybe have your wedding here?
Here is the guest cottage available all year, so darling . . .
The owner's home also has a carriage house for guests . . .
Our rescued golden retriever, Ravenna, loved the cool grass and the view!

Mt. Hood Organic Farms sells their apples and pears at our neighborhood Hollywood Farmer's Market in Portland. Get there early as they sell out! If you have a quality grocery in your neighborhood, ask them to carry this farm's wonderful apples and pears. This is a small American farm offering the best in orchard fruit. This fruit has no spots, bug holes, bruises, marks or fake waxy film. All that we saw were picture perfect and grown without chemicals. I love supporting them!